Thursday, July 21, 2022
12:00 noon
CIAA Board Room/3650 Sen. J. Bennett Johnston Avenue/Lake Charles, LA 70615
- Call to order;
- Pledge of Allegiance;
- Roll Call;
- Amendments, additions and deletions to the Proposed Agenda;
- Announcements/Correspondence;
• Kevin Melton - Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to enter into a professional services agreement renewal with DVW Aviation Advisor pertaining to Air Cargo Prospects, commencing September 15, 2022;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to adopt Capital One Public Funds Resolution authorizing and defining persons authorized to sign on checking accounts and to open Certificates of Deposits;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to change the time of the August 18, 2022 Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Commissioners;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between the U. S. Customs and Border Protection and Chennault International Airport Authority to facilitate the Authority’s development of the Air Cargo;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to prepare specifications for, advertise for and issue a purchase order for the purchase of one used Main Deck Loader;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to adopt a Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to accept a grant offer from the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development for Perimeter Fence Rehabilitation CWF, and to sign all applications, forms, grant agreements, assurances, reports and reimbursement requests associated with the grant;
- Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss potential litigation;
- Motion to return to Regular Session;
- Approve the minutes of the June 16, 2022 Regular Meeting;
- Adjournment.
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