Thursday, October 17, 2019
12:00 Noon
CIAA Board Room/3650 Sen. J. Bennett Johnston Avenue/Lake Charles, LA 70615
- Call to order;
- Pledge of Allegiance;
- Roll Call;
- Amendments, additions and deletions to the Proposed Agenda;
- Announcements/Correspondence;
• Kevin Melton
• Gerald Theunissen
• Cushman & Wakefield
• CSRS - Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director prepare plans and specifications, advertise and open bids for the Facility Back Flow Preventers Upgrades;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to prepare plans and specifications, advertise, and open bids for Hangar “F” Exhaust Fans;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to prepare plans and specifications, advertise, and open bids for Hangar “F” Chiller Replacement;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to prepare plans and specifications, advertise, and open bids for Hangar “F” Air Handler Unit Replacement;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to prepare plans and specifications, advertise, and open bids for the Demolition of Building 1350;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to prepare plans and specifications, advertise, and open bids for Chennault Airport Boulevard Entrance;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to prepare specifications, advertise, and issue a purchase order for the Refurbishment/Remanufacture One Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting Truck;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to increase the advertised property lease rates commencing January 1, 2020;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to enter into Amendment #2 to Task Order No. CWF.012 with KSA Engineers, Inc. for the Taxiway Delta Realignment – Phase 2 (Design);
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to enter into Task Order No. CWF.014 with KSA Engineers, Inc. for the Taxiway Golf, Taxiway Hotel, and Apron Pavement Evaluation;
- Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss strategic planning and security for Chennault International Airport Authority;
- Motion to return to Regular Session;
- Approve the minutes of the September 19, 2019 Regular Meeting;
- Adjournment.
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