Thursday, May 16, 2024
4:00 p.m.
CIAA Board Room/3650 Sen. J. Bennett Johnston Avenue/Lake Charles, LA 70615
- Call to order;
- Pledge of Allegiance;
- Roll Call;
- Amendments, additions, and deletions to the Proposed Agenda;
- Announcements/Correspondence;
• Kevin Melton
• David Whitaker – Air Cargo Consultant
• O’Carroll Group - Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the President to sign a Resolution adopting the Amendment of the Budget for the Special Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to renew the contract with Gerald Theunissen for a one year period beginning July 1, 2024 for business development consulting services;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to prepare plans and specifications for, advertise for, open bids for and award a contract for Hangar “A” Annex Air-Conditioning Equipment Replacement (Rebid);
- Discuss and take appropriate action to adopt a Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to enter into a servitude agreement with Entergy granting a right of way for the utility corridor to relocate overhead utility lines to underground at the National Guard site;
- Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to negotiate and amend all leases in regards to subletting Leased Facilities;
- Approve the minutes of the April 25, 2024 Regular Meeting;
- Adjournment.
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