Thursday, May 21, 2020
12:00 noon
CIAA Board Room/3650 Sen. J. Bennett Johnston Avenue/Lake Charles, LA 7061


  1. Call to order;
  2. Pledge of Allegiance;
  3. Roll Call;
  4. Amendments, additions and deletions to the Proposed Agenda;
  5. Announcements/Correspondence;
    • Kevin Melton
  6. Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation;
  7. Motion to return to Regular Session;
  8. Conduct a Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021;
  9. Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the President to sign a Resolution adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2021; authorizing transfers between funds and authorizing the Executive Director to make changes within designated budget classifications;
  10. Discuss and take appropriate action to adopt revisions and additions to the Chennault International Airport Authority Personnel & Administration Policy Manual;
  11. Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to renew the contract with Gerald Theunissen for a one year period beginning July 1, 2020 for business development consulting services;
  12. Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to purchase one vehicle from the Louisiana State Contract;
  13. Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to prepare specifications for and to advertise for and to issue a purchase order for the purchase of Aluminized Proximity Gear for the ARFF Department;
  14. Discuss and take appropriate action to adopt a Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to enter into a lease agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration.
  15. Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to award a contract to the low successful bidder, Keiland Construction, LLC, in the amount of $193,989.00 for the Site Backflow Preventer Upgrade.
  16. Approve the minutes of the April 16, 2020 Regular Meeting;
  17. Adjournment.