Thursday, February 21, 2019
5:00 p.m.
CIAA Board Room/3650 Sen. J. Bennett Johnston Avenue/Lake Charles, LA 70615


    1. Call to order;
    2. Pledge of Allegiance;
    3. Roll Call;
    4. Amendments, additions and deletions to the Proposed Agenda;
    5. Announcements/Correspondence;
      • Kevin Melton
      • Gerald Theunissen
      • Public Affairs – O’Carroll Group
      • Cushman & Wakefield
    6. Discuss and take appropriate action to adopt the new Personnel & Administration Policy Manual;
    7. Discuss and take appropriate action to amend Article VI, Section 1 of the Bylaws;
    8. Discuss and take appropriate action to adopt a Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to
      negotiate and sign a professional services agreement for engineering services for a three year period
      for the airport on-call services proposed to be partially funded by the Federal Aviation
    9. Discuss and take appropriate action to adopt a Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to
      negotiate and sign a professional services agreement for engineering consultant services for a three
      year period for the airport improvement projects proposed to be partially funded by the Federal
      Aviation Administration;
    10. Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to enter into a task order
      with KSA Alliance to prepare a Pavement Condition Number Assessment for the airport;
    11. Discuss and take appropriate action to adopt a Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to enter
      into a lease agreement between Chennault International Airport Authority and Luke’s RV Sales &
    12. Discuss and take appropriate action to authorize the Executive Director to prepare specifications,
      advertise, and open bids for the AWOS-3 P/T System Upgrade Equipment and Installation;
    13. Approve the minutes of the January 17, 2019 Regular Meeting;
    14. Adjournment.

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